Easy homemade Hamburger Buns and Cream Cheese buns

You will never believe, how easy it is to do the hamburger buns and with the same recipe cream cheese buns, as a complement to a dinner in your main course.

How special is it to bake hamburger buns and not buy them?

I tell you that I used to buy the packages of 8 pieces of hamburger bread, which you only use 2 large ones and for your little ones you end up using 1/2 hamburger or they leave you a half eaten hamburger. I’ve always wondered why so many breads come in those packages? The truth is that you only consume in week 2 to 4 and the rest just generate life inside your pantry.

Bread for hamburger and cream cheese buns, ideal recipe to make your own bread, in the size and quantity you want. You can make some cream cheese rolls with the rest of the dough and thus nothing will be wasted. This recipe has great homemade bread flavor but with the perfect texture for your burgers.
The most fun is watching your little ones enjoy their mini burgers, the right measure for them. Ideal for your meetings, young and grown, will love it.

Nothing better than homemade!

Loose the fear of yeast
I must confess that something so simple was very difficult for me. Two or three times my organic waste was happy for so much bread it received. Killing the yeast with very hot water, hydrating it with cold water, or an active yeast not hydrating it, were my most common mistakes, but that only happens when you are not very clear about how the yeast works.

Take a look at the following link to learn a little more about yeast: What is yeast and the different types?

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